Augustus Cigar Humidor
Augustus Cigar Humidor
Augustus Cigar Humidor
Augustus Cigar Humidor
Augustus Cigar Humidor
Augustus Cigar Humidor
Augustus Cigar Humidor
Augustus Cigar Humidor
Joshua Steinberg

Augustus Cigar Humidor

Regular price $495.00 $0.00 Unit price per

Whether it’s birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, or life milestones, cigars are synonymous with celebrating special moments. To make sure the cigars last until the next festivities, store them in the expertly crafted Augustus cigar humidor. Left out in a heated or air-conditioned room, a cigar can dry out as quickly as the most delicate flower - in less than an hour. In a properly maintained humidor, the atmosphere inside of which closely mimics that of a tropical isle, cigars can be kept for years. Maintaining cigars in conditions similar to those in which their tobacco grew, fermented and was rolled, the aromas and integrity of flavor is preserved. Perfectly aged cigars will reward you with a rich, sweet, and smoky flavor.

Keep track of the interior humidity with the hygrometer, its appealing style reminiscent of a dial on a sports car's dashboard. Marrying timeless elegance with modern details, the understated nature of the sleek black exterior juxtaposes the it’s wood interior, while the plastic humidifier makes humidity monitoring and refills easy. Finished with the signature Joshua Steinberg wordmark in contrasting white, the Augustus cigar humidor ensures every cigar maintains its signature flavor. The clean design aesthetic combined with function and a hint of flamboyance synonymous with Joshua Steinberg, make this humidor the perfect addition to any study or man cave. The ideal gift for the cigar aficionados in your circle.


  • 1 Hygrometer
  • 1 Humidifier
  • MDF with Cedar Wood lining

Dimensions: 8.6” x 10.2” Height: 2.5”